…”as Frost derived from Shannon


…”as Frost derived from Shannon [1948]: information is “a measure of the extent to which a piece of knowledge tells you something which you did not previously know” [Frost 1986, p. 12].”
Shannon 1948 é: “Shannon, C. E . 1948. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. In Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory; D. Slepian , ed. New York: IEEE, 1974.” e Frost 1986 é “Frost, Richard . 1986. Introduction to Knowledge Base Systems. New York: MacMillan Publishing”

Este Shannon é o mesmo que “Shannon’s M.I.T. master’s thesis in electrical engineering has been called the most important of the 20th century: in it the 22-year-old Shannon showed how the logical algebra of 19th-century mathematician George Boole could be implemented using electronic circuits of relays and switches.

Desenhou também um “computer called the Throbac (“THrifty ROman-numeral BAckward-looking Computer”) that computed in roman numerals. “


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